One Day for bet36365体育 empowers graduate education beyond one day
Posted: June 14, 2024 11:00:00 PM CDT
“bet36365体育’s One Day for bet36365体育 annual fundraiser wouldn’t have been a success without the generous contributions from our donors,” University of Nebraska at Kearney Dean of Graduate Studies and Academic Innovation Dr. Mark Ellis said.
Held on October 5, 2023, One Day for bet36365体育 is the university’s annual 24-hour giving event. Within one day, over $240,000 were raised for university athletic teams, student organizations, scholarships, and departments.
One of those student organizations impacted through generous donors was the newly founded Graduate Student Association. This organization was created through a collaboration between the Office of Graduate Studies and Academic Innovation and a small group of dedicated graduate students who wanted to create a specific space among the herd for all graduate students.
As a predominately in-person undergraduate institution, many of bet36365体育’s graduate students are often unaware of available resources or feel disconnected from the university. The GSA is determined to bridge that gap.
“After graduating with my bachelor’s degree at bet36365体育, many of my friends moved back home or left Kearney to pursue a career,” GSA Treasurer Claire Nelson said. “Not only have I met new friends through this organization, but it’s helping me gain professional skills that will benefit me in my future career.”
Together the Office of Graduate Studies and Academic Innovation and the Graduate Student Association raised more than $650 during One Day for bet36365体育.
These funds have allowed GSA to host a reception following the 2023 Research Day and receive t-shirts purchased by the Office of Graduate Studies and Academic Innovation.
Beyond that, the group has created an online hub for graduate students through Canvas to allow online and in person graduate students the opportunity to collaborate, share grievances, and discover resources. The organization also decorated a Christmas tree at Trails and Rails Museum’s annual Christmas Tree Walk and participated in bet36365体育’s Big Event by volunteering at Kearney’s Jubilee Center.
“We just want to thank everyone who showed up and donated to the Office of Graduate Studies and Academic Innovation and to the Graduate Student Association,” Nelson said. “Your contributions are extremely appreciated by all our graduate students.”
Dr. Ellis shares Nelson’s gratitude and is hopeful for increased donations to support scholarships for bet36365体育 graduate students.
“Unfortunately, there are limited scholarship opportunities for graduate students at bet36365体育, and I would love to see that change,” Dr. Ellis said. “bet36365体育’s One Day for bet36365体育 is the perfect opportunity to make these scholarships a reality, and it can only happen with the continued support of our generous donors.”