
Select the appropriate tab to view classes offered that count as electives for the respective minor degree.

The Women’s & Gender Studies Minor consists of 18 credit hours: 3 hrs required (WSTD 220) and 15 hrs of approved elective courses from at least two different departments. Up to 6hrs can overlap with a student’s major degree requirements.

See the current undergraduate catalog for the list of electives (including non-WSTD courses) in the Women's Studies minor.

Courses Offered Spring 2025

Course Instructor(s)
WSTD 220 - Women’s & Gender Studies Weekly
WSTD 420 - Research in Women’s & Gender Studies Loughrin
ART 375 – Art, Activism, and Social Movements Wetherell
CJUS 370 – Women and Crime Campbell
ENG 254 - Introduction to Literature: Special Topics - Taylor Swift Modlin
ENG 426 – Adolescent Literature Honeyman
ETHS 101 – Introduction to Ethnic Studies Loughrin
FAMS 151 - Human Sexual Behavior Kennedy/Moore/Gestring
FAMS 351 - Marriage and Family Relationships Kennedy/Harrison
HIST 485 – The United States since 1945 VanIngen
PSCI 353 – Race and Politics Louishomme
SOC 201 – Social Inequality Maughan
SOC 369 - Sociology of Gender Loughrin
SOWK 170 - Introduction to Social Welfare Song
SOWK 410 - Social Policy & Programs Alam/Vandercoy
SOWK 420 - Diversity and Social Justice VanLaningham
SPCH 202 – Communication Concepts in Society Hanson

The Ethnic Studies Minor consists of 18 credit hours: 3 hrs required (ETHS 101) and 15 hrs of approved elective courses from at least two different departments. Up to 6hrs can overlap with a student’s major degree requirements.

See the current undergraduate catalog for the list of electives in the Ethnic Studies minor.

Courses Offered Spring 2025

Course Instructor(s)
ETHS 101 - Introduction to Ethnic Studies Loughrin
ETHS 370 - Research in Ethnic Studies Loughrin
ART 375 – Art, Activism, and Social Movements Wetherall
HIST 250 - American History I Weaver/Pocock
HIST 251 - American History II Alexander/White/Davis/Weaver/Pocock
HIST 485 – The United States since 1945 VanIngen
MUS 107 - Introduction to Rock and Blues Gaines
PSCI – Race and Politics Louishomme
SOC 201 – Social Inequality Maughan
SOC 442 – Sociology of Religion Fitzgerald
SOWK 410 – Social Policy and Program Alam/Vandercoy
SOWK 420 - Diversity and Social Justice VanLaningham
SPCH 154 - Cross-Cultural Communication Javidi/Shirandasht-Javidi
WSTD 220 - Women’s & Gender Studies Weekley